Blazor Emoji Bingo

Blazor Emoji Bingo

Blazor Emoji Bingo is a game that supports single-player and multi-player powered by Blazor using WebAssembly and .NET and takes advantage of Comentsys.Assets.FluentEmoji.Shaded by Comentsys from NuGet to display the emoji used in the game. You can check out the the Source Code from GitHub which also includes the step-by-step Workshop to build Blazor Emoji Bingo.

Blazor Emoji Bingo

Blazor Emoji Bingo not only can be played on GitHub Pages or checked out from GitHub but you can also follow the step-by-step Workshop on that shows how you can use random numbers, lists, arrays along with packages and Emoji to learn using Blazor in the Browser and create the game of Blazor Emoji Bingo.